Major experimentals

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Major experimentals

Post by Rystiya » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:39 am

title: Major Experimentals
description: This massive expansion includes a series of powerful new experimentals, as well as many other units. There are land/flying battleships, massive transports which allow units to shot from the sky, corvette-carrying motherships, strategic artilleries, moving cities, orbital gun, amphibious mechs, bug carrier, underwater torpedo turrets, demo trucks and many more.
other changes: Many vanilla units are extensively modified: the old T1 battleship has become a fast destroyer with heavy-hitting torpedoes, while artillery mech can be upgraded to its heavier versions, etc. The game has also been re-balanced: unit sizes are reduced while their range and speed are increased, so swarms of small units stand a chance against larger experimentals. Some building have become smaller and some (AA turret, fabricators, etc) can now be built on or below water, while fabricators are now more space-efficient, so players can have a easier time placing buildings.
minimal version: 1.15
special thanks: code enabling AI to fire nukes are modified based on TheKiller101555's AI-nuke mod. The Herrscher mega spider bot is made by Lea-.

Known bugs:
1): Sometimes AI refuse to build low-priority buildings without first getting sea factory.
2): The dummy resouces used to trigger AI buff is not hidden on UI, despite they have hidden:true set.
3): Some official units can be chosen as starting units, despite they have been overwritten by their modded versions or brand new units.
1 awaits to be solved, and 2 and 3 should be the base game's fault...

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